HappyTC® — Happy Team Captain  

HappyTC Demo

Below is outlined step-by-step how you register for HappyTC and set up a team. It also shows you what the emails look like that are sent to players, what players see when they use HappyTC, and so on. (You can also see a shorter outline with just the main things, or a video.)

Register for HappyTC (a) Click "Register here", enter your info, & click the big friendly button
  (b) When you receive your "activation email", click the link to activate your account. (You can continue setting up your team until the email arrives.)


Create a team
(a) Enter your team's name and a couple other pieces of info, and how often the games are. (Later you can add or delete games from the schedule.)
  (b) Click the button to "Add players"
  (c) Enter player names, emails, and other particulars (tip: you can paste in a list of player names & email addresses to save typing)


Invite players to the games
(a) Click "Invite players"; you can choose which players you want to invite
  (b) Enter a personal message, select players to invite, and click "Send"


Players click links in emails
(a) Players receive the emails, and just click the links in the emails — no need for user IDs or passwords!
  (b) Players can update their planned attendance at ALL upcoming games they've been invited to.
  (c) Players get automatic email reminders a few days before each game. (You can control how many days in advance the automatic reminders go out, and even turn off reminders if you want.)
  (d) Players can just click links in the reminder to update their status at the game.


A status report is mailed to you before each game
(a) You'll be emailed a summary of everyone's planned attendance at upcoming games, giving you plenty of time to contact your team's subs if needed

    ...and have a look at some of optional ways you can choose to run your team.

Register for HappyTC

(a) Click "Register here", enter your info, & click the big friendly button
(b) When you receive your "activation email", click the link to activate your account. (You can continue setting up your team until the email arrives.) top
When you receive your


(a) Enter your team's name and a couple other pieces of info, and how often the games are. (Later you can add or delete games from the schedule.)
Enter your team's name and a couple other pieces of info, and how often the games are. (Later you can add or delete games from the schedule.)
(b) Click the button to "Add players" top
Click the button to
(c) Enter player names, emails, and other particulars (tip: you can paste in a list of player names & email addresses to save typing) top
Click the button to


(a) Click "Invite players"; you can choose which players you want to invite
(b) Enter a personal message, select players to invite, and click "Send" top
Enter a personal message, select players to invite, and click


(a) Players receive the emails, and just click the links in the emails — no need for user IDs or passwords!
Players receive the emails, and just click the links in the emails — no need for user IDs or passwords!
(b) Players can update their planned attendance at ALL upcoming games they've been invited to. top
Players can update their planned attendance at ALL upcoming games they've been invited to.
(c) Players get automatic email reminders a few days before each game. (You can control how many days in advance the automatic reminders go out, and even turn off reminders if you want.) top
Players get automatic email reminders a few days before each game. (You can control how many days in advance the automatic reminders go out, and even turn off reminders if you want.)
(d) Players can just click links in the reminder to update their status at the game. top
Players can just click links in the reminder to update their status at the game.


(a) You'll be emailed a summary of everyone's planned attendance at upcoming games, giving you plenty of time to contact your team's subs if needed
You'll be emailed a summary of everyone's planned attendance at upcoming games, giving you plenty of time to contact your team's subs if needed

That's pretty much it. Of course, you do have options for how you want run your team, keep track of your players and games, and so on:

(a) top
(b) top
(c) top
(d) top

That's it: all there is for you to do now is sit back and relax... (Or rather, get to the game and play!)

(Click here to see the summary version of the demo.)