HappyTC® — Happy Team Captain  

HappyTC Privacy Policy

Thanks for using HappyTC. This is our really simple privacy policy.
  1. Info collection
    We store captain email addresses, and player email addresses if they are given. Players can opt out of HappyTC at any time, which adds the player's email address to a "blacklist" in order to prevent any subsequent emails from being sent to that player by the HappyTC system. Team captains can deregister from HappyTC at any time by clicking the "Deregister" button under "Your Profile". Players can, if desired, request total removal of their email addresses from our system (including the blacklist) by sending an email to quit(AT)happytc(DOT)com .

    The only other things we store (if used by the team captain) are meant to be non-confidential, public knowledge pieces of information about players in relation to the team sport being played (e.g. field position, gender). As with normal email, HappyTC should NOT be used to convey or store any sensitive/confidential information about players.

  2. Info usage
    We ONLY use email addresses to contact players as determined by the team captain. Email addresses are NEVER shared with other parties.

  3. Cookies
    HappyTC only uses cookies to record which league (if any) the user belongs to of the last user who signed in; HappyTC does NOT use cookies to store any information that would identify the user. In order to maintain your session after signing in, we also use "Flash cookies". Flash cookies are similar to normal browser cookies — they store small pieces of info; we only use Flash cookies to store information related to your HappyTC session. When you sign out or allow your session to expire, the session information is cleared. (Flash cookies are sometimes known as "shared objects", in case you're interested.)

    HappyTC uses Google to serve ads when you visit HappyTC (as do zillions of other websites).
    • Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on HappyTC. One of them Google refers to as a 'DART' cookie.
    • Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to HappyTC users based on their visit to HappyTC and other sites on the Internet.
    • Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

  4. Security
    To make HappyTC as easy & convenient to use as possible, HappyTC implements a "good enough" security model. An absolute minimum of user data is stored (essentially just email addresses), meaning we can make it simpler for users to access the system. Team captains must enter a user ID and password; players need to click on their own uniquely-identifying link in an email sent by the system on behalf of the team captain.

    Data is stored in a secure MySQL database at the data centre of a reliable & secure hosting provider (FusedNetwork/Equinix). Please note that communication is currently NOT encrypted using SSL (i.e. http as opposed to https); this is also the case with many popular online services such as Facebook. We do plan to may eventually move HappyTC to SSL; however, SSL should not change anything in terms of user behaviour — HappyTC should never be used to store or convey confidential user information.
Privacy Policy updated April 3, 2009: additions in italics, deletions struck out:
- per Google Adwords requirements taking effect April 8, 2009;
- as no urgent need to move to ssl has been indentified.
