a team roster manager you can brand and offer your players, FREE!
powered by HappyTC
HappyTC® — celebrating 10+ years of making team captains happy!
What is HappyTC?
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How does HappyTC...
What's new? (Nov 22, 2019: The end is nigh!
Adobe Flash support is being phased out by major browsers effective Dec 2020, and HappyTC relies on Flash to work.

HappyTC will continue to operate on a best-effort basis, but the year 2020 would be a good time to shop around for
another team management site (or app, if you're just catching up to the 2010s).

It has been a blast building & running HappyTC since 2007... unfortunately the economics of migrating HappyTC from Flash to HTML5
(let alone to iOS and Android for mobile!) just don't make sense.

For more information see: Adobe's announced plan to end support, Microsoft's corresponding plan for IE and Edge,
as well as Chromium's similar plan (both Google Chrome and MS Edge are based on Chromium). Expect Firefox to follow suit.

   ...via twitter: @happytc
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